Lies normally hurt, but… The truth is killing us all!
by Shantibaba
They call themselves Humans and inhabit the planet called Earth.
This is a species that considers itself superior to the laws of Mother Nature and Evolution.
Their actions and relation to raw materials found on Earth seem to point them in line with a party interested in profit-taking with little or no thought to the con-sequences it is causing to the living entity of a planet.`
Can you imagine how an Alien would view us, if they were to arrive tomorrow?
In the past year alone, at a time where computers, technol-ogy and advances in scientific research dominants, the two biggest and most economically advanced nations of the world could not deal with two manmade epic disasters they have inflicted on the world.
America could not shut off petroleum they tapped for their energy needs in their back yard, and Japan is melting down as we speak polluting the entire world with radioactivity. From countries that had back up measures installed for the highly unlikely and the most improbable situations…with several safe guards in place in case one did not work…to prevent world catastrophes like Chernobyl from happen-ing again! We supposedly learnt our lessons and like the dropping of 2 nuclear bombs on the Japanese civilization in the WW2, man would not forget? So did I miss some-thing someone said, as from where I sit things look pretty meek for the age we are in!
There must now be several pertinent questions aimed at this apparent Nuclear Council who gave the permission and advice to Japan to allow them to build in a place where the tectonic plates are as active as a herd of Elephants ice skating on newly formed ice. I mean even the questions like Iran`s nuclear program seem off skew to pre-tend authority on, when this council gave the go ahead for Japan to build even one Nuclear power plant! It would seem a little bit of an oxymoron to even call it Nuclear Technology nowadays, since implying technology means you understand the workings of it before going on with it! We cannot claim to understand a lot of what we have allowed to go on in this planet nor can I personally understand what they all mean when they talk about cheap and clean and un-polluting power sources? This mistake has been made several times already and seems to be getting worse each time. Not what one would expect if one learnt from one`s mistakes! Japan is melt-ing down not in one reactor but three, while Chernobyl was only one reactor…so isn`t it time to come clean and stop the lying or at least tell the truth…that no one knows the consequences!
British Petroleum pumped some outrageous amount of thick black gunk into the pristine eco system of the water ways of southern USA contaminating and killing undetermined animal and marine habitats not to men-tion what we do not know got effected. How can we know what is the consequences of what occurred if it has never occurred in our history before? How can we believe these people who make regulations and safe-guards to protect us? How can we spend all this paper money we are supposedly making from cheap fuel sources when there may not be a habitat left to live on? Basic questions of epic proportions seem to come up from a time on Earth where we felt we were all doing ok? This leaking crack in the Earths sea crust that man made to pilfer a natural resource in the name of tax for the Government and profit for the Heroic companies (who gave us the car), may now be like drowning in our own bodies with perforated lungs that slowly suck us dry of the richness they once breathed into the corpse we are now peering at.
It questions scientific evidence or even the methods we base these developments on, as no one is innocent on Earth. We are all connected and we are all reliant on each other even if it looks otherwise. So it is not good enough to point a finger and go back to our little rou-tine lives thinking it did not affect us… it was too far away. That attitude seems to be limited to governments and politicians who are jostling for your vote, not con-cerned people looking after your well being.
Consider that petrol and Nuclear power are only from the last 150 years. It does not take a nuclear scientist to know we have accelerated disrepair and burden on a planet we apparently love? How did we get so lost and wrong on a road that looked to answer our dreams? Did everybody involve fall asleep at the wheel of this large automobile? Or did the systems of banking and finance distract us all for a short while? Did we think our bank-ing system would answer our calls and surpass the laws of Nature? I mean in this moment in time I feel bur-dened with some seriously unanswerable questions, which up until a year ago looked different to me. It does not point a good finger at profit or our monetary system, does it?
Not to rub salt into the wound, but the rest of the world has been suffering tsunamis, earth quakes, tornadoes, flooding, fires, a near fatal banking crisis (not to men-tion the French world bank representative who is up on sexual assault charges), and now even football in Europe has its sporting image tainted! The world is hemorrhag-ing big time on all levels and we are all to blame in part, as we let those rule on all our lives because we trusted what they said to be true. The fact is that no one knows, and we are learning by trial and error. The value of economics does not match anything we received as a consequence when it sacrifices all the things money cannot buy like our fresh air, or clean water and solid ground. We are living a big illusion based on illusionist’s creations and it is leading to a big down fall for us all unless we wake up and attack the root causes.
The Manmade laws seem to reflect the wrong values and do not consider Mother Nature`s value at all. As Mother Nature`s systems reach tipping point we will all suffer violently, so it is time to take a stand. We need to know that our knowledge and technology benefit us and our environment. We also need to be honest in answer-ing questions on things new to us, to gauge if it is worth the risk compared to the gains.
Blind acceptance of our law makers is no longer sufficient for me and my 3 kids and wife. I wish to do some-thing positive to help rectify this predicament we are in. I truly believe medical Cannabis use and personal bene-fits without material gains are a better alternative for our future, the one where we leave the world we inhabit in a better state than we found it in. The industries surrounding the Cannabis plant cannot be over looked any longer. The level of unemployment worldwide is critical, our CO2 emissions are immense and the need for a greener future where plants seem to offer alternatives needs to be seriously addressed. The useless incarceration of people of all ages for Cannabis serves no one or no country. In short we need to grow up and see the things that are helping us and the things that are not.and smell the coffee,If we as a species on Earth in 150 years can have such an impact with our Industrial revolution, then we better wake up cause at this rate we are committing collective-suicide!
I do not pretend to be a politician in my thinking nor ever wish to be, but my contribution to the world can be positive and if we all do this then the world will be a better place in the end.
Striving solely for monetary gains must cease to become a m o t i v a t i n g factor. We need to put our planet first and its health as priority. Only by doing the recycling and repenting will we repay! Time to begin was yesterday, but we can do it today as it is better to try than never to have tried!