Its High Time that High Times gets with the program!
Issue 32 – 2011
It troubles me to see that a publication that has been around the prohibition of cannabis for over 36 years continues to be a non-existent team player. When we first introduced our publication in Amsterdam, six years ago, the folks at High Times thought that our publication was a joke and laughed at me – but they still accepted my money.
Well in 2011, for the 24th annual HTCC, I received a personal phone call from their Advertising Department asking if I was going to be participating as a sponsor for the seventh year in a row with a hitch… NO Advertising in their show guide , NO Promoting Treating Yourself Magazine, which included handing out FREE copies to all attendees while they lasted, and lastly NO Promoting of the Treating Yourself Expo in Toronto which is being held on May 25 -27, 2012 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
When I asked why we couldn’t continue to do business as we had in the past, I was told that it is because Treating Yourself Magazine and Expo is a threat to both their magazine and expos in the USA.
I have tried, on several occasions, to promote the TY Expo in Toronto in their publication with no success. Now some of you readers may think that this is sour grapes… But it isn’t! You see all other cannabis related publications and expos are also being treated the same way.
Unless it’s an event that HIGH TIMES sponsors or sanctions there is no way that their readers will ever find out about the other events or publications. We, at Treating Yourself, have always put out an open invitation to all other cannabis related publications and events in order to work together to educate the uninformed. It’s quite obvious that some of the International publications such as Weedworld, Skunk, Soft Secrets, Spannabis, and Canamo, as well as many of the other medical cannabis publications based in the USA, either promote or participate in some capacity.
It’s High Time that High Times gets with the program as they are NOT the only cannabis related publication or event!
Now onto a positive note, I am extremely pleased to announce that Treating Yourself will be translated into Spanish and distributed in Spain in 2012. We are also working on having our publication translat- ed into Hebrew and distributed in Israel too. It’s wonderful to see the message spread further and edu- cate people from far and wide.
Take Care and Peace.