How to Sober Up from Being High?
Cannabis consumption brings different effects, depending on the person’s level of smoking tolerance. After an extreme euphoric effect, what comes next are the common unpleasant effects that include a warped sense of time, paranoia, nausea, and anxiety.
The weed’s rich concentrates of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can trigger an overwhelming cerebral high, causing uncomfortable situations that you may not be aware of doing. How long the “high effects” stay depends on what kind of weed, the dosage, or the method of consumption you take.
So, how do you conquer a cannabis hangover? Depending on the amount of weed consumed, here are some of the effective ways to sober up from being high:
Drink sufficient water. Water is detoxifying, but do not overdo it to prevent flushing the essential electrolytes from your system. Electrolyte loss leads to hyponatremia or a low-sodium condition that triggers hangover symptoms Water also alleviates cottonmouth or dry mouth, the most common symptom that is associated with cannabis high.
It happens when the THC binds with your body’s cannabinoid receptors, making the salivary glands unable to receive the messages that your nervous system sends. It results in the reduced production of saliva.
Juices that are rich in Vitamin B and C helps in flushing out toxins from the liver. Orange and cranberry juices are best.
Black Peppercorn
Chew some whole black peppercorns, smell ground pepper, or grind peppercorn to simmer down the weed high. Getting high with the amount of weed consumed can overstimulate the amygdala, the almond-shaped section of the brain that is linked with emotional processes.
They contain terpenes like beta-caryophyllene which are known for delivering instant relief from paranoia and anxiety. THC and beta-caryophyllene bring a calming effect because they bind to similar cannabinoid receptors.
A cup of coffee can effectively bring down the body’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Caffeine acts as the stimulant that keeps you alert while you are still intoxicated with the weed.
The cannabidiol (CBD), the non-intoxicating cannabinoid in the cannabis plant can alleviate paranoia and anxiety. Some studies reveal that integrating a high-CBD oil or strain into your weed session can effectively reduce the adverse effects of THC.
Carbohydrate-rich Meal
Foods rich in carbs help slow down alcohol absorption into the bloodstream. Whole-grain carbs in small portions with healthy fat and lean proteins provide the essential nutrients that help your body fight off the toxins and keep you function normally.
A hot shower will keep you alert and increase blood circulation. The steam opens the airways, making you feel refreshed and relaxed. It is a form of mental hydration to wash away the intoxication.
A light exercise is another excellent way to sober up after a cannabis high. It wakes up the brain, boosts your energy, and stimulates endorphin production. Endorphins act as neurotransmitters that melt away the stress of having a high amount of weed consumed.
A quick nap or a good night’s sleep is another remedy for a weed high. Rest helps your body metabolize toxins and flush them out of the body.
The next time you need a fix-me-up solution to sober up fast, try any of these tips to make you feel productive and functional again.