GrowSwitch Full On Bio-Stimulant, Turn on Your Grow
Having been made aware of this bio-stimulant GrowSwitch Full On by what my friend in Vancouver, Canada started calling “his magic tonic” I sent for a trial sample.
I love this part of my life, and that is beta testing organic products as they come into the marketplace.
The product came right away in a really cool aluminum bottle, so I was impressed by a company whose packaging shows care for our environment, as these bottles are 100% recyclable.
The mix rate is one bottle [four ounces] to 15 gallons, to be sprayed on plants [foliar feeding] as well as watered in, or added to the reservoir in the case of a hydroponics set-up.
I noticed immediately the deepening of the color of the leaves as well as the vigor of the plants from just this first spraying and watering.
I added this to my clone machine and sure enough had thick, nice roots in half the time! My cuttings were all taken on the 21st; now on the 29th, they have five-inch-plus roots and very happy, strong cuttings that never once fell down. There were roots present on all the cuttings by the fourth day.
Using this product for a little more than three weeks now, I notice all the growth. The roots and stalk have grown notice-ably larger, with the leaves darker in color lying nice and flat, with all of them facing into the light, like the active solar col-lectors they are. These are just plain noticeably happier, healthier plants.
To explain all of Grow Switch Full On’s benefits will be an article all on its own, which I will submit after I finish this crop.
Full On is a product that is designed specifically for your plants’ needs. It assembles the right sequence of building blocks from what you are supplying with your fertilizers and nutrients, creating a balanced uptake by the plant, utilizing every bit of what you feed, while actually lessening the amounts of nutrients and fertilizers used.
This is a synergistic, nutrient-dense, food-grade growth enhancer for high-value plants. No matter if the plants are grown in dirt or hydroponics systems, Full On will benefit the health and accelerate the growth of your plants. I could call it a miracle tonic for cannabis, or an energy drink specif-ically designed for the optimum nutrition and growth of cannabis, though I would rather have someone else tell me thanks for spreading the word about Full On by saying something like, Man, my garden looks awesome!
The pictures are of my plants at three weeks in bloom and again at four weeks. The roots are at seven days after cut-tings were taken. I must admit they were not my best cut-tings either, as I was in a rush. Yet they are all strong and with nice roots.
My opinion on this product is that it should be in your gar-den to boost your return on your investment in nutrients, fertilizers, and mycorrhizals. From what I have observed, it optimizes every little bit of nutrient, fertilizer, and tea, plus whatever is found in the soil mix you use, meaning using less of everything and getting more bang for your buck.
Oh, did I mention it is 100% ORGANIC and manufactured from all FOOD-grade ingredients?
I ordered a liter immediately after I tried the sample.
Ask your local grow store to carry it; it really rocks!!!