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Cannabis for Seniors, their Doctors & Caregivers

By Old Hippie BeyondChronic.com While this article is entitled Cannabis for Seniors, its intent is to inform and reassure new...

For Surface Issues, Cannabis Lotions Hit the Spot

by Mary Lou Smart www.medicalcannabisart.com In the late 1800s and early 1900s, topicals and extracts containing cannabis were all the...

Injoy Premium CBD Patches, Gummies, Topicals & Supplements

InJoy Premium CBD was created with you in mind, because you matter to us. Our line of premium CBD products...

Post-Traumatic Syndrome A Natural Response to Trauma

Mary Lou Smart www.medicalcannabisart.com The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association, defines post-traumatic...

Greetings, and welcome back to Jef Tek’s Growing concern….

By Reverend Jef Tek It was, has been, and always will be my intention to teach as many people to...